Swietna oferta sprawdzonej rodziny z Londynu
Mloda, zapracowana rodzina z Londynu poszukuje au pair, która zaopiekuje sie ka uroczych dzieci.
Rodzina gosci au pair z naszego biura, która niebawem bedzie konczyla u nich roczny program.
Lokalizacja: Anglia, Londyn.
Wyjazd: od sierpnia lub wrzesnia na do miesiecy.
dzieci: chlopiec Jacob prawie lat i dziewczynka Talia latka.
Wymagania, jakie musisz spelniac:Wg uregulowan prawnych wiek od lat,
Komunikatywna znajomosc jezyka angielskiego,
Doswiadczenie w opiece nad dziecmi, poparta, co najmniej referencjami
Obowiazki: godzin w tygodniu opieka nad dziecmi oraz pomoc w obowiazkach domowych
Rodzina goszczaca oferuje:Kieszonkowe Funtów tygodniowo,
Bezplatne wyzywienie,
Bezplatne zakwaterowanie,
Mozliwosc uczeszczania na kurs jezykowy
Biuro Au Pair Koncepcja istnieje od roku. Wyróznia nas dlugoletnie doswiadczenie, stala i sprawdzona wspólpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami i rodzinami oraz godzinny serwis, czyli wsparcie dla naszych podopiecznych przez caly okres pobytu u rodziny goszczacej. Posiadamy Certyfikat Ministra Gospodarki i Pracy nr .
Dear Aupair,
Dear Aupair, we are a family of , we live in Stanmore which is in the London suburbs it takes mins to get into central London by underground from where we live. Stanmore is a small town, with shops, restaurants, a library, and a beautiful park round the corner from our house. There are good bus and train links to nearby towns and to central London. There is also a good English course mins walk from my house. We currently have a wonderful aupair whom we are very sad to see leave, she is leaving in August and has been with us a year. I am looking for someone to replace her from mid-August for at least months. This is because it takes the children a while to warm up to someone and get used to them, and I don’t want them to go through this more than once a year
We are a family of including myself, my husband, our son Jacob almost and daughter Talia years. My husband works, I am currently not working and am busy with the kids! We are a warm family and would welcome you into our home and try and make your stay as comfortable as possible. Our son starts school in September. He loves doing puzzles, drawing, and buildings models out of lego. Our daughter will also go to nursery from September days a week. She is very cute and loves to play with girly things like jewellery, babies and prams etc, and she adores her brother. Most of the time they play nicely together but they also fight quite a lot which is normal at this age They always want what the other is playing with
I am looking for someone warm and friendly, responsible, with a track record of looking after children. You need to be able to think for yourself and if you see something needs doing, take the initiative and do it rather than waiting for me to ask you.
If you think you would be the right aupair for us we would be delighted to hear from you
Many thanks
Konsultantka Judyta oddzwoni do Ciebie, wyslij zgloszenie juz dzis!
W tresci maila prosimy podac Au pair London
Wyjazdy Edukacyjne Koncepcja
Wroclaw ul. Podwale pok.
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